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  1. Overexpression of STYK1, a putative serine/threonine and tyrosine receptor protein kinase has been shown to confer tumorigenicity and metastatic potential to normal cells injected into nude mice. Mutation of a ty...

    Authors: Kesmic A Jackson, Gabriela Oprea, Jeffrey Handy and K Sean Kimbro
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2009 2:15
  2. Ovarian epithelial tumors are an hallmark of hereditary cancer syndromes which are related to the germ-line inheritance of cancer predisposing mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Although these genes have been...

    Authors: Pierosandro Tagliaferri, Monica Ventura, Francesco Baudi, Iole Cucinotto, Mariamena Arbitrio, Maria Teresa Di Martino and Pierfrancesco Tassone
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2009 2:14
  3. Lethal yellow (LY; C57BL/6J A y /a) mice exhibit adult-onset obesity, altered metabolic regulation, and early reproductive senescence. The present study was designed to test ...

    Authors: John Brannian, Kathleen Eyster, Mandi Greenway, Cody Henriksen, Kim TeSlaa and Maureen Diggins
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2009 2:10
  4. The ovarian tumor marker CA125 is expressed on human MUC16, a cell surface bound mucin that is also shed by proteolytic cleavage. Human MUC16 is overexpressed by ovarian cancer cells. MUC16 facilitates the bin...

    Authors: Cara AR Goodell, Jennifer A Belisle, Jennifer AA Gubbels, Martine Migneault, Claudine Rancourt, Joseph Connor, Muthusamy Kunnimalaiyaan, Rachel Kravitz, Ward Tucker, Michael Zwick and Manish S Patankar
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2009 2:8
  5. The most frequently used molecular imaging technique is currently 18F-deoxy-glucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET). FDG-PET holds promise in the evaluation of recurrent or residual ovarian cancer whe...

    Authors: Yoshio Yoshida, Tetsuji Kurokawa, Tetuya Tsujikawa, Hidehiko Okazawa and Fumikazu Kotsuji
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2009 2:7
  6. There is growing acceptance that polycystic ovaries are an important marker of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) despite significant variability when making the ultrasound diagnosis. To better understand the na...

    Authors: Marla E Lujan, Donna R Chizen, Andrew K Peppin, Anita Dhir and Roger A Pierson
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2009 2:6
  7. The significance of polycystic ovarian morphology and its relation to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is unclear, but probably it is associated with higher androgen and insulin levels and lower sex hormone bi...

    Authors: Angela Falbo, Francesco Orio, Roberta Venturella, Erika Rania, Caterina Materazzo, Achille Tolino, Fulvio Zullo and Stefano Palomba
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2009 2:5
  8. We previously observed the over-expression of BMP-2 in primary cultures of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) cells as compared to normal epithelial cells based on Affymetrix microarray profiling [1]. Here we invest...

    Authors: Cécile Le Page, Marie-Line Puiffe, Liliane Meunier, Magdalena Zietarska, Manon de Ladurantaye, Patricia N Tonin, Diane Provencher and Anne-Marie Mes-Masson
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2009 2:4
  9. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disease closely related to several risk factors for cardiovascular disease. An abnormal heart rate recovery (HRR), an easily-obtained measure derived from exerc...

    Authors: Francesco Giallauria, Francesco Orio, Gaetano Lombardi, Annamaria Colao, Carlo Vigorito, Maria Giovanna Tafuri and Stefano Palomba
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2009 2:3
  10. Blood flow in the corpus luteum (CL) is associated with luteal function. The present study was undertaken to investigate whether luteal function can be improved by increasing CL blood flow in women with luteal...

    Authors: Akihisa Takasaki, Hiroshi Tamura, Ken Taniguchi, Hiromi Asada, Toshiaki Taketani, Aki Matsuoka, Yoshiaki Yamagata, Katsunori Shimamura, Hitoshi Morioka and Norihiro Sugino
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2009 2:1
  11. Platinum-resistance (PR) continues to be a major problem in the management of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). Response to various chemotherapeutic agents is poor in patients deemed PR. Genistein, a soy isofla...

    Authors: Leigh A Solomon, Shadan Ali, Sanjeev Banerjee, Adnan R Munkarah, Robert T Morris and Fazlul H Sarkar
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2008 1:9
  12. To review utilisation of elective embryo cryopreservation in the expectant management of patients at risk for developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), and report on reproductive outcome following t...

    Authors: Eric Scott Sills, Laura J McLoughlin, Marc G Genton, David J Walsh, Graham D Coull and Anthony PH Walsh
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2008 1:7
  13. Pituitary tumor transforming gene (PTTG), also known as securin is an important gene involved in many biological functions including inhibition of sister chromatid separation, DNA repair, organ development, an...

    Authors: Siva Kumar Panguluri, Casey Yeakel and Sham S Kakar
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2008 1:6
  14. Malnutrition is a significant problem in patients with ovarian cancer. The goal of this study was to investigate the prognostic role of Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) in patients with ovarian cancer treate...

    Authors: Digant Gupta, Carolyn A Lammersfeld, Pankaj G Vashi, Sadie L Dahlk and Christopher G Lis
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2008 1:5
  15. Emerging evidence suggests that the capacity of a tumor to grow and propagate is dependent on a small subset of cells within a tumor, termed cancer stem cells. In fact, cancer cells, like stem cells, can proli...

    Authors: Moorthy P Ponnusamy and Surinder K Batra
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2008 1:4
  16. Ovarian adenocarcinoma is not generally discovered in patients until there has been widespread intraperitoneal dissemination, which is why ovarian cancer is the deadliest gynecologic malignancy. Though incompl...

    Authors: Daniel R Christie, Faheem M Shaikh, John A Lucas IV, John A Lucas III and Susan L Bellis
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2008 1:3
  17. The intracellular signalling mechanisms that regulate ovarian follicle development are unclear; however, we have recently shown differences in the Akt and Erk signalling pathways in dominant compared to subord...

    Authors: Kate E Ryan, Claire Glister, Pat Lonergan, Finian Martin, Phil G Knight and Alexander CO Evans
    Citation: Journal of Ovarian Research 2008 1:2

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